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2012. szept. 14.
A videó egy mára több mint 800 alkotást felölelő családi gyűjteményt mutat be olyan zenei kísérettel, melynek szintén mondanivalója van: nemzetközileg jegyzett szecessziós stílusú porcelánfestészeti alkotásokat, és Aszalós Éva és Hajnalka olajfestményeit, melyek számos hazai és nemzetközi kiállításon kerültek bemutatásra.
Part of the Familiar Collection - "For Lovers of the Porcelain" - Aszalós Porcelain Art - WORKS of ART OF ÉVA ASZALÓS and HAJNALKA ASZALÓS
The STORY BEHIND SOME WORKS of Art that have special importance in my mother's life:

"The Little sparrow"
This work has a special importance in my family's and in my own life. I painted it after the Christmas of the year 2003 and my daughter, writing down my deepest feelings, write about it in her novel "Behind the Silence..." as so: "I have dreamt of bird: of a lonely little sparrow that is opening its wings among the branches, twigs and leaves with edge of laces, to fly away under pearly gates. There was in front of me the most common bird. I don't know why my pen has caught sight of him. It could be graceful swan, dove that brings peace or phoenix that is borning again from its ashes as well, but at that moment I saw in this little sparrow starting to fly the expression of so many feelings and thoughts. I made my fights for the life with him, and I "lived" the agony of the days with him. Every stroke of the pen signified life and every moment without work approach to the death... I have painted a long message to the porcelain with the little bird, but I haven't been able to translate it into words and I have felt that I neither would have the time to do it any more. I have dedicated itt o my daughters, Hajnalka, my first-born child, and to my Ancsa."
(citation from the chapter "The mysterious man or fight for the life", Behind the Silence... Confessions of a porcelain-painter artist", A. Andrea Aszalós, Italy, Bastogi, 2008)

A precious theme of the ancient Hungarian culture elaborated many times also by more cultures of the Orient, that symbolize the Life, with its phases and with its connections passing through generations.

"Stag of Miracle, or the Rescuer"
I have painted this porcelain in honour of an Italian gentleman who had saved my family's life in a period which was maybe the most difficult period of my life. And as the Stag of Miracle is one of the most beautiful character of the ancient Hungarian legend, it is at the same time also one of the nicest memory of my artistic career, which memory gives me both pleasure and sorrow.

"Seherezade - One thousand and One nights"
It is the symbol of a two-faced world: of a world plenty of colours and miracles, and at the same time symbol of the world which a Woman, Seherezade, fights with, every night for her life. I have been fighting for long years, so that I could give with my work to others, like can do so many people. I have put into this work of porcelain-painting my most appreciated décors' motifs that I have ever created in my life, and I wanted to express with its title, that the atmosphere in which I lived my life, has always pressed me to fight, with the so pure and so beautiful world of the Art... I love my work.

"A part of the collection in the property of the family consists of those pieces that were preserved as patterns at the birth of each décor and apart from these there are also pieces destined only for expositions which has their own stories and importance in the Family's life. Several Aszalós Porcelains are characterized by a rich range of colours, the spcial profundity and shine of which are due to the technological innovation worked out by Éva Aszalós who finished her studies in this beautiful field of art in 1974. Characteristic pieces are also the white-gold décor-compositions that, although being of classical nature, are realized in an unusual form and as free-hand drawings demand a great deal of virtuosity and professional skill from an artist.
Their works of art -- within the colours and forms of the Secessionist style -- are all hand-painted exclusively on the basis of their own designs and are on view in the Family's show-room. All of their works of art are characterized by fine and meticulous graphic-drawins of 24 karat gold or platinum, that in the case of several décors signify the fourth or fifth burnt. Éva Aszalós and her daughter, Hajnalka Aszalós work exclusively with colours burnt at high temperature (950-1250°C) and mostly containing precious metals, that they combine and lay on the surface of the porcelain with brushstrokes.
So Many Thanks for the beautiful music to: Lara Fabien - Adagio and Secret Garden Fabian Lara fabian lara adagio fabian adagio lara lara adagio fabian lyric Adagio romantic
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