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2013. jún. 7.
Cimkék: zene, Attack on Titan
"Guren no Yumiya" (紅蓮の弓矢, angolul: "Crimson Bow and Arrow")

Előadó: Linked Horizon

A dalszöveg angolul:

Are you prey? No, we are the hunters!

Crimson Bow and Arrows
Not knowing the name of the trampled flower
Birds that have fallen from the sky tire of waiting upon the wind
Prayers won’t change anything
Only the resolve to fight can change the (Undesirable Present Situation)[present]…
You pigs who sneer at our will to step over corpses and march onwards
Enjoy the peace of livestock…false prosperity…"freedom" of the dying wolves that hunger!
The humiliation of entrapment is our cue to counterattack
Beyond the castle walls lies a (hunter) killing his prey
With a surging (killer impulse) scorching his body, he pierces the dusk scarlet
With a crimson arrow
Drawing his bow, he takes after his target; he won’t let it escape
Releasing his arrow, he closes upon it; he won’t let it escape
He bends his bow to its limits, the string on the verge of snapping
He’ll release it, time and time again, until (his target) draws its last breath
What truly kills a prey
Are not (weapons)[tools] nor your skills at using it
But your own sharp killing intent
We are the hunters -) passionate as flames!
We are the hunters -) cold as ice!
We are the hunters -) pour your heart and soul into your arrow!
We are the hunters -) boldly go forth and pierce through everything!

Attack on the titans.
The boy from back then will soon take up the sword.
Who only laments his powerlessness won’t be able to change a thing.
They boy from back then will soon take up the black sword. Hate and rage are a double-edged blade.
Soon, one day, he will bare his fangs against fate.
Ones that could hope to change anything
Are ones who could bear to abandon anything
Without bearing any (risk) at all, how could you hope to attain anything…?
Foolish assumptions…they are but mere phantasms…right now, we could do with even reckless courage…
The advance guards of (freedom)…betting on their offensive
Victory to the charging slaves!
All this absurdity forced upon us are our cue to attack
Deprived of his horizon, (The boy from that day)[Eren] yearns for “freedom"[the world]
With relentless (killer impulse) assailing his body, he carries violet* to dusk-
With an arrow from Hades

Ha…ha! wir sind der Jäger! (?Attack on Titan !?)
Ha…ha! wir sind der Jäger! (?Attack on Titan !?)

Az anime TV-s openingjének dalszövege magyarul (Az Animeaddicts.hu csapatának köszönhetően):

Ők a préda, s mi vagyunk a vadászok!
Senki sem emlékszik az eltaposott virágok neveire
A földre hullott madarak a következő fuvallatra várnak
Imáink nem menthetnek meg,
Egyedül a harci kedv hozhat változást
Holttesteken taposva törünk utat,
S a disznók kinevetik erőfeszítéseink
Lábasjószágok ők, kik a hamis békét élvezik
De mi szabadok vagyunk, akár az éhező farkasok
Irányítsd nyiladba a bebörtönözöttség szégyenét
A falun túl a vadász végez prédájával
Amíg testedben izzik a szabadság vágya
Lángoló nyíl szeli át az alkonyat bíborát
Mi vagyunk a vadászok!
Mi vagyunk a vadászok!
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