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2011. júl. 17.
Edited by: Tamso64 (2011)
Music: Dave Koz feat. Dana Glover (Desperate Housewives) Született feleségek egyik betétdala

Take a step back, turn around
Look at the world that you've let down
My, my, such a disgrace
The damage is done you can't replace it
These are the things your mind will tell you
These are the things your heart will say
These are the things that leave you hopeless
These are the times you say
There is no way, no way, no way

But as long as you are breathing
You can start all over again
It your heart's beating
You can start all over again
Goodbye Sorrow, you can start all over again
Hello Tomorrow, you can start all over

Wake up to the perfect sun
The long night is over, a new day has begun
Oh yes, dare to believe much close in the morning
Your spirit is free
These are the things your mind will tell you
These are the words your heart will say
These are the thoughts that leave you fearless
These are the hands that point the way

As long as you are breathing
You can start all over again
If your heart's beating
You can start all over again
Goodbye Sorrow, you can start all over again
Hello Tomorrow, you can start all over

Everything can change if all our things are new
The impossible is here and it's crying out for you
Everything is gonna work out right
Just like we prayed it would
Growing miracle after making a yes
It's working for you

Long as you are breathing (you can start all over again)
Oh, and your heart's beating (you can start all over)
Umm, Goodbye Sorrow (you can start all over again)
Hello Tomorrow (you can start all over)

Long as you are breathing
You can start all over again
Your heart's bleeding
You can start all over
Goodbye Sorrow
You can start all over again
Hello tomorrow
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