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2015. júl. 30.
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During the NBA 3X presented by BBVA streetball event in Bilbao, Spain, one of our artists Botond Dajka came up with a really crazy idea! What if he jumped on the rim, stepped on top of the backboard and dunked with a backflip! This is the result... Enjoy!

Could you imagine if trampolines were allowed in the NBA dunk contest? Could you imagine if this dunk was pulled off in an NBA dunk contest?

What were your thoughts on the dunk? Were you impressed? Is it the greatest dunk you have ever seen? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

Spartacus rules! :-) DunkCity BestVines Best Vines
Amazing backflip dunk off the backboard basketball trick shot
NBA street type dunk in real life

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  • Botond Dajka - acrobat
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