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2015. júl. 29.
Lords of Gravity's audition in Episode 1004 consisted of hopping on trampolines and performing slam dunks. The final trick involved bouncing off a trampoline to leap over a van to dunk. Howard Stern and at least two other judges voted "Yes," sending the group to the Judge Cuts round.

Background : The Lords of Gravity team was founded in the summer of 2012 at the University of Physical Education in Budapest, Hungary although it has many years of experience.

Lords of Gravity has become one of the most well-known Acrobatic Slam Dunk Team in Europe, after demonstrating a successful attempt to set a new world record for the "Farthest Basketball Slam Dunk", at the NBA Europe Live Tour, in Berlin, 2012.

The team members come with professional sport background – they have the best tumblers of Hungary, a Fitness European Champion and First Class Gymnasts with several years of competitive experience.


  • Csanad Karoly Borlay - basketball stunt
  • Benjamin Goy - basketball stunt
  • Artur Ferenc Duka - basketball stunt
  • Levente Pal - basketball stunt
  • Howie Mandel - judge
  • Mel B - judge
  • Heidi Klum - judge
  • Howard Stern - judge
  • Nick Cannon - host
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