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Dal/Song: Rácz Gergő- Csak állj mellém!
Fandom: Ask-I Memnu
Bihter and Adnan's relationship was filled with tension and had its ups and downs. Bihter is much younger than Adnan and yet she's marrying him. In the beginning her feelings are honest, but later she gives in to temptation and having an affair with Adnan's nephew. Their emotions have cooled down slowly, their marriage deteriorates, and eventually they choose to divorce. I used a hungarian song for the video, which perfectly describes their relationship if you ask me.
Megtaláltok a Twitteren/You can find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/serieseternal
A dal és a klip nem az enyém, csak felhasználtam ehhez a rajongói videóhoz/The song and the clips don't belong to me, I just used them for this fanvideo!