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2011. nov. 11.
Do you want to emerge from the rest? Now, we can help you.....

We are among the first in Hungary, who started to used Leds in the advertising industry.

We would like to introduce our new product, the Deco Led.

We allow with the light and motion, to show up despite the visual production already present the POS to emerge.
The Deco Led is a very small, but mighty brightness Led flash device.

Simple and Serial Deco Led with more colours result in a customizable product.

Interchangeable, this can be used multiple threfore series is well suited to continue campaign.
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A felhasználó további videói
Comp Deco
2011. nov. 16. 167 néző
Comp Deco - LED
2011. nov. 11. 201 néző
Comp Deco Kft
2011. nov. 10. 446 néző
Hasonló videók
2011. nov. 16. 167 néző
2011. nov. 11. 201 néző
2011. nov. 10. 446 néző