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2015. okt. 18.
Cimkék: hogyan kell
Today I show you how to quickly lower the temperature of your computer. Is your computers temperature rising? Act quickly to avoid permanent damage to your PC! Computers can easily overheat if you don't take steps to reduce their temperate. This technique will not only reduce your computers temperature, it will also heavily reduce noise. That's right! Follow the easy step by step instructions in this video & your computers temperature will be drastically lowered as well as your computers noise being heavily reduced making your PC practically silent when running.

This technique works best on Computers. If you need help reducing the temperature of your Laptop watch this video:
How To Cool Down Your Laptop ► https://youtu.be/Bh6LFitHeyg

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Know someone that needs help cooling down their PC? Link them to this video!

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