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2010. júl. 2.
Cimkék: bomb, of, me, prey, wwii, il-2, 109, 190, fw, k39, konigsberg39, b17, p47
Video by Cocoa of =K39=&Co. Daylight Bombing Mission (made possible by Warbirds of Prey server&staff: www.warbirdsofprey.org)

Konigsberg39 (http://vkontakte.ru/club17832394) is an international virtual squadron, flying the Combat Flight Simulator Personal Computer game called IL-2 Forgotten Battles.

We are a team oriented squad that wishes to recruit virtual pilots who are interested in team work when flying missions, and will readily accept team orders. We are open to any virtual pilot of any nationality who wishes to join us.

During our times together we fly bombing and fighter missions. The majority of these are carried out on the very popular Warbirds of Prey (http://warbirdsofprey.org) mission orientated server
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