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2010. márc. 25.
Cimkék: l2, pvp, gods, l2infernopvp
We made a little PvP Video in an instant pvp server, called InfernoPvP. I was the Elven Elder (Exworm), the Necromancer was Couwye (Arrafutott), the swordsinger was Tecktonik, and the Bladedancer was xXTitanXx. As usuall i have no idea who was the enemy, i dont memorize the name of anyone who cry too much:)

Sadly the server is closed already. It was one of the best server i have ever played, instant lvl 85, u needed to farm like 20 minutes, there was only Clan Hall buffs in the Buffer, no overenchant, and kind a good balance:)
Hozzászólások | 1
2010-03-27 08:42:11

Csaknem a GoDS, gg:)

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