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Young Greek celebrating goal with Nazi salute | Giorgos Katidis denied giving a Nazi salute Ο πανηγυρισμός του Γιώργου Κατίδη Giorgos Katidis salute
Ο πανηγυρισμός του Γιώργου Κατίδη | Giorgos Katidis Hitler salute
Young Greek celebrating goal with Nazi salute | Giorgos Katidis denied giving a Nazi saluteThe former Greece Under-19 captain was heavily criticised by fans on Twitter and Ο πανηγυρισμός του Γιώργου Κατίδη / Giorgos Katidis salute
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AEK Athens midfielder Giorgos Katidis has denied giving a Nazi salute after
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AEK Athens midfielder Giorgos Katidis has denied giving a Nazi salute after scoring the winner in Saturday's 2-1 Greek Super League victory over Veria.
The 20-year-old midfielder was seen gesturing to the crowd with his right arm extended and hand straightened in front of his astonished Brazilian-born teammate, Roger Guerreiro.
The former Greece Under-19 captain was heavily criticised by fans on Twitter and Facebook following the incident at the Olympic Stadium.
'I am not a fascist and would not have done it if I had known what it meant,' Katidis replied on his Twitter account.
Katidis could face punishment from his club or the Super League although AEK's German coach Ewald Lienen leapt to his defence.
'He is a young kid who does not have any political ideas. He most likely saw such a salute on the Internet or somewhere else and did it without knowing what it means,' he said.
'I am 100 per cent sure Giorgos did not know what he did. He was crying in the dressing room seeing the reaction.
Young Greek Celebrating Goal with "Nazi Salute" | "Giorgos Katidis Nazi salute"
Sajnos is nem ők a barmok. Mi vagyunk a barmok fehérek, feketék, ahogyan a zsidók is nevezik a nem zsidó népet; Gójok - azaz barmok, nos au tény hogy a zsidók IQ-ja átlagosan 15-tel magasabb a fehérekénél, és 30-cal a négerekénél, de engem az zavar hogy MILYEN SZÉPEN JÁTSSZUK EL A BARMOK SZEREPÉT, ki kellene állni végre, össze kellene fogni, mert a LEGNAGYOBB NÁCIK a világon azok a CIONISTA ZSIDÓK, akik nagyon szépen játsszák ki a lapjaikat, mi pedig nem látjuk mi folyik a világban. Emberek ébredjetek már fel végre, járjatok nyitott szemmel!
Neuer német, biztos van valami köze a II. világháborúhoz, őt miért nem tiltják el? :D Barmok..
És azzal mi lesz, aki náci módon fingik?????