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2010. jún. 8.
Cimkék: tvd
I made this vid to a contest, and I'll be honest - I feel like it's one of the best works of mine! ♥ I can't be enough thankful to my dearest friend, Timi, who chose the song again and if she chooses the song, the video will be very popular (like 'i shouldn't love you'. ^^) So, thank you really much, and get better soon hun! ♥ ILY.

There's no story, it's just a kinda montage about Damon and the girls around him... OK, mostly Elena around him, but... i'm a Delena fanatic, do not wait from me wonders, 'kay? XD

Every details are in the end of the video. (:
I recommend it to Anna ♥, Timi ♥, Esther ♥ and LadyMadelayna ♥ ; i love you guys, more than you could ever imagine. (: ♥

Oh, and an important thing... Don't forget to enter to my contest! (: You can find it here:

Hozzászólások | 1
2010-12-05 17:23:54

Ohh, annyira jó lett ez a videó, matanee!(mondjuk minden videód az) :D ;)

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